Yes, I know that I must start a commission for Vlad. But at the end of the week I have absolutely no idea. (He said - show his loneliness. And I drew the trivial sketch, in style: "I'll do my crying in the rain / And I'll do my piss in the shower - no one will ever see anyway"). The first idea is always the most banal.
At the weekend we discussed the problem with Des and he found a solution. This will be a difficult work ... so JUST DO NOT RUSH ME =P
As proof that I have an idea, here's a beta version of the sketch =P
Who said that vampires represent Goth? I think that vampires - it is pure romanticism. Loneliness, feeling of detachment from the world, searching for a true taste of emotions, melancholy, searching for inner beauty ... and the slow withering of human origin. Vampire destined to become a beast. That is why the remnants of humanity, sensitivity, emotions, so dear to him.
I love the book by George Martin's "Fevre Dream". I think this is the best book about vampires. Firstly, because it was written by a male. That is why this book is not about gays or about the slobbery schoolgirls love (This shining corpse have no erection, my dear!).
But back to our topic. Vladislav is a vampire, he's already more than 500 years old. But during this time he never got a clan. All his friends, his beloved, by chance was lost.
I wanted to portray the loneliness, not desperation. Vladislav resolute and strong-willed vampire. =)
I would also like to convey some ideality and coldness that characterize the vampires. I hope he still looks like a male =P.
Yesterday I bought a set of Liners. It's time to test them in action.First, simply fill all the colors. As you can see, it's pretty fast. True, the next step must be well thought ...
I'm not entirely sure ...
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